Специалните пакети билети за турнето на METALLICA "M72" стигат до 7200 долара

30 ное 2022, 16:18 ч. 1763 / 5 7

   Новините за новия албум на METALLICA "72 Seasons" са още горещи. С анонса за творбата групата обяви и двугодишното световно турне "M72", по време на което ще свири по два пъти във всеки град с два различни сетлиста.

   Преди малко бяха обявени и специалните пакети билети за обиколката, включващи най-различни екстри и добавки и "специални" преживявания. Цените започват от няколкостотин долара и стигат до малко над 7200 долара за т. нар. "Lux Aeterna” Private Platform Experience". Ето и пълно описание и стойност на вариантите:

"Nothing Else Matters" Snake Pit Experience

$3,222 USD – $4,398 USD (Price Includes Ticket To Both Shows In The Same City, Price Varies By Market)

- One (1) backstage meet & greet experience with two members of the band, which includes a photo taken by the tour photographer, and a group conversation with members of the band* (band members will vary show-to-show)
- One (1) production tour led by a Metallica crew member and on-stage group photo**
- One (1) ticket to the Snake Pit, an exclusive standing section located in the middle of the stage, for BOTH shows in the same city
- Party with other Metallica fans BOTH nights at the official "Black Box" pre-show lounge, which includes three (3) complimentary beverages, as well as appetizers and bar snacks
- Two (2) limited edition, show-specific posters***
- One (1) autographed setlist featuring all of the songs played at both shows***
- One (1) commemorative city-specific concert ticket***
- One (1) limited edition Metallica merchandise item***
- One (1) MP3 download of the live audio from both shows***
- Express lane at a designated merchandise stand
- On-site perks such as priority check-in, dedicated support staff, and a fast-track lane into the venue

* Band member participation will vary by show and is not announced prior to the event. Only one meet & greet per weekend package purchased
** Only one backstage tour per weekend package purchased
*** Per weekend package purchased

"Moth Into Flame" Snake Pit Experience

$1,038 USD – $1,398 USD (Price Includes Ticket To Both Shows In The Same City, Price Varies By Market)

- One (1) ticket to the Snake Pit, an exclusive standing section located in the middle of the stage, for BOTH shows in the same city
- Party with other Metallica fans BOTH nights at the official "Black Box" pre-show lounge, which includes three (3) complimentary beverages, as well as appetizers and bar snacks
- One (1) limited edition Metallica merchandise item***
- One (1) MP3 download of the live audio from both shows***
- Express lane at a designated merchandise stand
- On-site perks such as priority check-in, dedicated support staff, and a fast-track lane into the venue

*** Per weekend package purchased

"One" Enhanced Experience

$830 USD – $1,098 USD (Price Includes Ticket To Both Shows In The Same City, Price Varies By Market)

- One (1) premium reserved seat in the first few rows of the lower bowl for BOTH shows in the same city
- Party with other Metallica fans BOTH nights at the official "Black Box" pre-show lounge, which includes three (3) complimentary beverages, as well as appetizers and bar snacks
- One (1) limited edition Metallica merchandise item***
- One (1) MP3 download of the live audio from both shows***
- Express lane at a designated merchandise stand
- On-site perks such as priority check-in, dedicated support staff, and a fast-track lane into the venue

*** Per weekend package purchased

"Frantic" Early-Entry GA Package

$414 USD – $598 USD (Price Includes Ticket To Both Shows In The Same City, Price Varies By Market)

- One (1) general admission floor ticket with early entry for BOTH shows in the same city
- One (1) limited edition Metallica merchandise item*
- One (1) complimentary beverage prior to public doors**
- Priority merchandise shopping prior to public doors***
- On-site perks such as priority check-in, dedicated support staff, and a fast-track lane into the venue

*** Per weekend package purchased

"Seek & Destroy" Reserved Package

$518 USD – $698 USD (Price Includes Ticket To Both Shows In The Same City, Price Varies By Market)

- One (1) premium reserved seat in the lower bowl for BOTH shows in the same city
- One (1) limited edition Metallica merchandise item*
- Express lane at a designated merchandise stand
- On-site perks such as priority check-in, dedicated support staff, and a fast-track lane into the venue

* Per weekend package purchased

"Lux Aeterna" Private Platform Experience

$7,272 USD (Price Includes Ticket To Both Shows In The Same City)

- One (1) exclusive viewing platform for a private group of up to eight (8) people with an unbeatable view for BOTH shows in the same city*
- Complimentary platform beverage cooler stocked with beer and soft drinks**
- Access to the official "Black Box" pre-show lounge, which includes three (3) complimentary beverages, as well as appetizers and bar snacks
- One (1) limited edition Metallica merchandise item for each member of your group
- Pre-order your concert merchandise and have it delivered to your platform***
- On-site perks such as priority check-in, dedicated support staff, and a fast-track lane into the venue

* The raised platform will be at the base of a production tower encircling the stage on the stadium floor situated less than 75' from the stage itself. The viewing platform provides easy access to the GA standing area as well

** Subject to local alcohol compliance rules and restrictions. One cooler per platform, restocking prohibited. Guests must be over the legal drinking age to consume alcohol.

*** Concert merchandise will be charged to a single credit card based on items and sizes selected by the group ahead of time

**** Group host must remain the same, but the additional group guests can differ between the two weekend shows

"I Disappear" Ticket

- One (1) general admission floor ticket with early entry for as many shows as you want to attend, per your "I Disappear" Ticket type*
- One (1) special edition metal laminate - personalized with your name!

* May not be used for festivals, promotional shows, or benefit concerts, as well as any other Metallica appearance not included in the M72 World Tour announced on November 28th, 2022.

Silver - One Continent, One Year

Choose from:
North America 2023
North America 2024
Europe 2023
Europe 2024

Gold - Two Continents, One Year

Choose from:
Europe and North America 2023
Europe and North America 2024

Diamond - Two Continents, Two Years
North America and Europe 2023 & 2024



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Коментари   (7)

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Коментар (на кирилица):

destroy_and_sick 1.12.2022 20:24:22 отговори + 3 2
То най-евтиният билет е на по-висока цена от тази на тунингован пернишки Голф!
Голяма банда са, ама започнаха да "издребняват".
Този коментар има твърде много негативни оценки. Натиснете тук, за да го видите.

Тори Кейлър 1.12.2022 17:09:04 отговори + 2 0
За $3,222 получаваш среща само с двама от членовете на групата, и не ти се обявява предварително кои ще са те? Хах, аре нема нужда. Този коментар има твърде много негативни оценки. Натиснете тук, за да го видите.

Иван Sky 1.12.2022 17:24:16 + 2 2
Най-вероятно с Max и Igor - не се вълнувай излишно Този коментар има твърде много негативни оценки. Натиснете тук, за да го видите.

Туц 30.11.2022 23:48:55 отговори + 3 0
Взимам 3! Този коментар има твърде много негативни оценки. Натиснете тук, за да го видите.

popfolk_headbanger 30.11.2022 23:00:13 отговори + 4 0
Досега само KISS правеха така Този коментар има твърде много негативни оценки. Натиснете тук, за да го видите.

Trapeze 30.11.2022 17:59:36 отговори + 12 1
А така, да си дойдем на думата. Този коментар има твърде много негативни оценки. Натиснете тук, за да го видите.

......... 30.11.2022 16:23:23 отговори + 7 10
Гомнооооо от Лариса със сертификат Този коментар има твърде много негативни оценки. Натиснете тук, за да го видите.

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